Awakened Masculinity Training (Warteliste)
Fr., 09. Okt.
|Mountain of Zweisimmen
During this training we share practices to cultivate presence, sexual mastery, confidence and sensitivity. We include our experiences on what it is to be a man in today’s world, particularly in terms of sex, money, work. We learn about the Tantra way of being in all aspects of our lifes.

Zeit & Ort
09. Okt. 2020, 17:00 – 11. Okt. 2020, 17:00
Mountain of Zweisimmen
Über die Veranstaltung
We will use tantric Taoist practices to breath, move and awaken your sexual energy. Once this energy is awakened we learn how to channel this energy in and upwards to open the Kundalini and the Chakra system.
This Workshop will be in english with german transalation if neccessary
When you are flowing in your chakra’s and Kundalini energy, you will for the first time know the ecstasy of making Love.
How many of us have been given the education to be a master in the art of Love Making? Our most vital energy play that we call sex has little or no education. This ignorance leaves most of men lost, confused and disempowered.
Learn how to cultivate presence in sexual expression. Discover the revelation of being in your power simultaneous with sensitive ways of connecting with your lover.
You can now let go of conditioning and beliefs given by family and others which no longer serve your being.
We wil opening energy flow in our solar plexus to regain our capacity for facing and become resilient with contradictions and challenges in our life. This will naturally make you capable of holding space for yourself, other men and woman
We use tribal rituals and initiations, meditation from ancient India and Tibet to discover your true purpose of life on this planet.
Fr. 09. Oktober 17.00 – 22.00h
- Opening circle
- Active meditation
Sa. 10. Oktober 10.00h – 17.00h
- Morning Meditation
- Conditioning and beliefs
- Active meditation in nature
- Fire circle
So. 11. Oktober 10.00h – 17.00h
- Morning meditation
- Mens circle - radical honesty
- Active meditation in nature
- Closing circle
Course Fee:
CHF 390.-
Accommodation (full pension)
CHF 200.- Twin rooms (2 Person)
inkluded organic & vegan regional food
Venue in pure nature on mountain of Zweisimmen on 1600 meters above see level.
Included Sauna and magnificant view over the mountains
Damir Maux,
Swami Anahata,
Reviews Swami Anahata
Registration fee
Registration fee CHF 120.- The remaining amount (CHF 470.-, included course fee, accomondation and food) to be paid on arrival.
120,00 CHFVerkauf beendet
0,00 CHF